Friday, December 01, 2006

Fall / Winter 2006

We have snow - and lots of it. As I keep saying, "Where are the 'Global Warming' people when you need them???!!! It has been COLD and snowy here.

We have a new resident in the parsonage. He is from Zimbabwe, and is in Moscow to earn his Masters in Music Education. He's a neat guy - Tendai. Just like it sounds. :) He has left wife and children for two YEARS to earn this degree. Poor guy, I think he's traumatized by the snow and cold! We enjoy being able to share this bug house with another human.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I find I need a social outlet - and - since I was invited - I have selected Kiwanis. This is a great community-minded group of men and women that work together to laugh and work to serve. The Moscow group is pretty cool.

Today I helped out at a pcinic for the Head Start program. Kiwanis provided hot dogs and chips, and Head Start did everything else. It was fun to watch kids eat the "dogs" - and participate in all the fun activitites Head Start had provided.

I enjoyed.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring - again

It is indeed spring - in 06 this time. Gosh, I LOVE this season! It's cool - yet mostly sunny.. We have the occasional snow shower. (We ARE at 2500 feet!) Anyway, I LOVE opening the window at night - and feeling the "cool of the evening breexe."