And that will, undoubtedly, get mentioned. I hope to make this a creative outlet - based on - well, who knows what? Maybe some creative writing, perhaps some poetry - old and new - spiritual ramblings. But I think I need to write every day. Who knows - it might even end up here.
2:3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.
On my heart right now is my church. I'm a United Methodist. I like the open spirit of questioning that is encouraged in this denomination. And my church is in trouble.
Today many are discussing a possible split of the United Methodist Church - I guess my frequent mis-spelling of "united" that becomes "untied" - is more correct than I would like. And the scripture for Pentecost says "divided tongues... rested on each of them." Hmmm - the tongues were divided - yet all spoke of the Holy Spirit. The message they gave was the message of the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The issue that is dividing the UMC is homosexuality. I'd be willing to bet not one person in that crowd of "tongue bearers" said a word about any kind of sex. Rather, I would further bet the message was one of "Jesus Christ - and Him Crucified for YOU." Then something about accept that - BELIEVE - and be saved. I'll bet there was not a word of doctrine - because none had yet been developed.
No doctrine - just a pure belief. Think of that.
No Trinity.
No speaking in tongues of angels. (Paul had not started his letters yet)
No Council of Bishops, or Judicial Council, nor even a Wesley Quadrilateral! Thus - no heresies.
Just pure belief.
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