Friday, June 18, 2004


We went to the St. James Cathedral in Seattle tonight (6/18) for the Taize service. While we are not Roman Catholic, we have enjoyed the music of Taize for some time. To find a "real" service was a true blessing for us. We've gone at least once during each liturgical season since being introduced last September. Each time, it has been worth an hour plus drive in Seattle traffic. The cathedral is magnificent. It is circular, with four seating areas and a huge marble altar in the center as the focal point. When it is dark - the spots hit it and it absolutely GLOWS.

We attended last on the Friday before Pentecost - and they asked me to read the scripture. I love reading aloud - and, frankly, I'm good. But to read in a cathedral - with all of the natural resonance... well, it was an awe-inspiring experience. Tonight, Sue and I were asked to move the cross. A cross (really an icon) is moved to lay on the floor so people can come and kneel and touch it while praying. It was deeply moving - and an honor. Tonight we thanked one of the folks in charge for asking us. It was undoubtedly our last time there - and the service was glorious. Taize is at once quiet and reflective - while soaring to new heights. If you want more information, just "Google" Taize and hit "I feel lucky". You can do the same for "St. James Cathedral" and find great info about this spectacular worship center in Seattle.

The move is coming fast - I'll post some pictures of the new church soon. I go off to our United Methodist Annual Conference next week to help with the book table by my employer.

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